Dover to Cape Wrath 2005
1st -13th August 2005

England Flag
Union Flag
Scotland Flag
Day 13 - Ullapool - Durness - 72.0.miles.
0 9 7 0


Ullapool hostel kitchen ( slept here in 1986!)

Outside Ullapool hostel.

Boats at Ullapool
We clambered out of the worlds most uncomfortable beds, and made breakfast.
Skies were grey, and we had to face it - we we're in for a soaking, probably well overdue on our downpour allowance.

We climbed steadilyfor a bout half an hour, and the rain began. Some pigs came to greet us as we donned our waterproofs, and shortly after that it got very wet, but it was mild, and and the headwind was fairly light.

Ullapool clock

Leaving Ullapool


Inquisitve roadside pigs!
The heavens opened
Views despite the rain.

Time for a very soggy elevenses!

CLIC - Sargent, Cancer & Leukaemia in Children
Make a wish - making dreams come true for those terminally ill.

AUDAX UNITED KINGDOM - Long Distance Cycling Newton Area  Cycling Group CTC Devon
South West AUK's
Mid Devon Cycling Club