Dover to Cape Wrath 2005
1st -13th August 2005

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Scotland Flag

Stage 2- Epping Forest to Bourne - 102 miles.
0 1 9 4

Epping Forest Youth Hostel.
Tuesday 2nd August was a fine and sunny day.
We pulled the bikes out of their "shed" and
loaded everything up. The original plan was for Thurlby YH in Lincs. for the overnight, but YHA had closed it leaving a huge gap in the network for Eastern England.
It was a gentle climb back up the hill through the forest, crossing a very busy roundabout to get on to the very busy "B" road to Epping.

Epping Forest Youth Hostel & front garden.


Epping Forest.


Chapel near Roydon.

Roydon - Railway Crossing


CLIC - Sargent, Cancer & Leukaemia in Children
Make a wish - making dreams come true for those terminally ill.

AUDAX UNITED KINGDOM - Long Distance Cycling Newton Area  Cycling Group CTC Devon
South West AUK's
Mid Devon Cycling Club