Dover to Cape Wrath 2005
1st -13th August 2005

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Day 8- Killearn to Crianlarich - 38.0miles.
0 6 2 0

2Gb Compact Flash card which failed spectacularly losing some 300 photos!
This is where the photo-fest takes a nose dive. Basically two days worth of shots based in some of Scotlands finest scenery were lost when the new flash card destroyed itself near Glenfinnan. The 2Gb card was only a few weeks old and purchased as a spare for the well used Hitachi Microdrive which has proved reliable. Because the F828 camera was being so reliable I fell into the "eggs in one basket" trap - frustrating as I was carring two spare smaller cameras which I didn't use although with hindsight could have done to give some more integrity..
I have also since discovered the portable back-up devices for carrying on trips ( DigiDock and Phototainer), which is really what I wanted when I bought the second flash card.
Amongst the lessons learnt is that with digital you need to have a regular back up, - minimum daily to avoid these sort of failures, and also big drives are a bad idea as you can lose a huge amount of data.
That having been said it is surprising how catastrophic the data failure was on this card, which had been in the camera for two days, and properly stored in a CF/Memory card container when not being used. There were about 300 shots on the camera when the card failed with no warning - power was fine.
Three data recovery companies have failed to recover anything from the card which will not even mount as a drive in a PC or other device.





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