Graham & Bens End to End 2004

Union Flag - animated
Scotland Flag - animated
Wales Flag - animated
England Flag - animated

Stage 12. Ironbridge to Grosmont.. 75.0 miles... contd.
0 7 9 7

Ludlow - rooftops
Ludlow - rooftops.

Ice creams at Ludlow.
Ludlow - Arch
Ludlow - leaving.
Ludlow - river bridge.
Ludlow - leaving.
Ludlow - crossing river.
Leominster - wooden framed cottage.
Leominster - flowery house.
House at Leominster.
Blooming House - Leominster.
Leominster - porch

Leominster also exhibited some fine buildings, and some people ahad really gone to town on the floral arrangements.
We stopped to get mire drinks in the town as it was still very warm.
The next bit of the route I'd planned to ride South to meet the A49 and the cut across through lanes to meet the Golden Valley, but when we cam to the junction on the map, it was a no through road.
We ended up riding over Dinmore Hill on the busy A49. We turned off into Dinmore to see if that road went through but that was also a dead end.
We had to continue on past Wellington before we could get off the main road and back into the lanes through Credenhill, and over the river Wye at Bridge Sollers.
We were only about 5 miles from Grosmont when I heard a yell. Ben had got a wasp lodged between his helmet strap and his neck, and the thing was attached to his neck by the sting!
I manged to pull it out and apply a bit of first aid, and we arrived at Town Farm at Grosmont in good time.
(This was a significant place to reach, as it's somewhere that we often visited in the past, and was the destination of my first ever long bike ride when as a tennager I rode up there from Paignton )


House porchway at Leominster.
Cottage near Hereford
Church near Hereford
Bridge Sollers - Wye Valley.
River Wye at Bridge Sollers.

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Newton Area  Cycling Group CTC Devon
South West AUK's