Graham & Bens End to End 2004

Union Flag - animated
Scotland Flag - animated
Wales Flag - animated
England Flag - animated

Stage 12. Ironbridge to Grosmont - 75.0 miles.

0 7 9 7

Coalport - YH
Coalport Youth Hostel - wet start again!
Ironbridge - the new bridge
Crossing the new bridge.
Much Wen(t)lock

It had rained through the night and was still raining in the morning at Coalport. Everything had to packed away and waterproofed before we set off over the new bridge and climbed the B road to Much Wenlock. An easy ride through arable land one we had done the climb. The rain began to ease at Wenlock, where we stocked up with provisions before continuing on the B road towards Ludlow.


Much Wenlock.
Much Wenlock

Before too long the weather changed to becombe very hot again. We stopped at a place called Munslow and ate some sandwiches.
A bit further down the road a car tooted us and waved, and pulled into a layby ahead. A woman we'd never met before got out and asked what we we're up to, and then gave us £2 for the charities.


Much Wenlock

Much Wenlock.
Much Wenlock.
Munslow Munlsow
Shipton Hall.
B road towards Craven Arms.
B road to Ludlow. Arriving at Ludlow

Ludlow Castle Ludlow Castle
Ludlow castle.
Ludlow castle.
Ludlow castle & archway At Ludlow it was very warm again, so yet another small investment in Ice Creams took place, plus lot's more photos.
We had a quick look at the castle and at other parts of the town before heading out over the river on the B road par Richards Castle to Leominster.

Ludlow market place
Ludlow - castle & archway.
Ludlow - market place.

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Newton Area  Cycling Group CTC Devon
South West AUK's