Graham & Bens End to End 2004

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Stage 10: Todmoreden to Meerbrook. 62.8 miles ....contd.
0 6 6 2

Tescos' - Whaleybridge

A map reading error at Marple Brigdge meant that we took the road on the wrong side of the canal to New Mills. This was a long long climb through Mellor, it was very hot and sticky, and it took quite a lot out of us.
At Whaleybrigde we hit Tescos just before they closed, in time to stock up with lot's more drink.
Next it was a stiff climb to Oldgate Nick followed by a descent into the Goyt Valley, wth a much gentler climb to the Cat & Fiddle on the main road. This was the highest point of the trip by far, but didn't seem it because of the gradual gradient of the valley.
Some cloud and rain had arrived, which had made the climb easier, and we had a superb descent through some quiet and pretty lanes to Danebridge, before the final few lumps to the hostel at Meerbrook.


Recharging at Tescos' - Whaleybridge.

Whaleybridge - Long Boats
Long boats at Whaleybridge
Whalkeybridge - Long Boats
Goyt Valley Goyt Valley
Goyt Valley
Goyt Valley

Cat & Fiddle - top of pass.  511m
Meerbrook Youth Hostel.
Cat & Fiddle - top of pass Buxton - Macclesfield - Highest point on route 511m.
Meerbrook Youth Hostel.

The hostel was the old school, and apart from the volunteer warden, and her daughetr and grandson we were the only people in the hostel.
We tried the pub on the opposite side of the road for food, but they had stoppd doing food at 7pm being a Sunday!
The only choice was a very limited selection of things in the sall hostel shop, so we dined on Pot Noodle, baked beans on toast, and rice pudding - a complete contrast to Mankinholes!

(Worst meal of the ride!)


Inside Meerbrook YH - old school.
Inside the YH at Meerbrook.

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