Graham & Bens End to End 2004

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Stage 11: Meerbrook to Ironbridge (Coalport). 60.4 miles.
0 7 2 2

This was probably the wettest morning of the trip. The steady rain had continued overnight, roads were saturated, and we sploshed our way into nearby Leek, and stoped at the Co-Op to buy lunch etc.
We stuck on the main road South for a while, it rained steadily until lunchtime.
We stopped for picnic lunch at Swynnerton. The weather brightened up a bit in the afternoon, and we found some very flat and easy lanes through Sturbridge and Eccleshall, stopping along the way to watch barges on the canals.
Leaving Meerbrook - the voluntary warden with grandson Bradley.
On the road to Leek.

Sqeulching down the road to Leek.

Eccelshall- clock.

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